Teaching Art Online: Getting Your Passive Revenue Stream Started
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Art Pricing for Profit: A Live Workshop to Teach you How to Confidently Price your Artwork

Art pricing. It’s a crucial part of selling your artwork, yet it’s one of the top things artists struggle with (especially in the beginning.) Most of the time they don’t have a strategy to follow, so they let their emotions lead the way, which ends up sabotaging their profits. Pricing your art is emotional because art is emotional. It’s so personal to us - along with all the time and labor that goes into creating each piece, there’s also so much love and care - and the thought of putting a price tag on that can be scary!

There’s also the fear of imposter syndrome getting in the way. Have you ever finished a piece of art and thought “I love how this turned out but is it good enough to sell?" (And while the concept of “good enough” is subjective, it’s still a valid feeling many artists have.) This self-doubt can lead to underpricing, causing us to miss out on potential earnings. This cycle repeats itself, perpetuating undervaluation.

We know this process because it’s one we faced in our own businesses once upon a time, and now we want to teach you how to take that emotion and fear OUT of the equation, so you can price with confidence and maximize your profits!

We’re teaching a LIVE Workshop next week, Art Pricing for Profit: How to Confidently Price your Artwork. It’s the pricing training we wish we had when we started selling online! This workshop will break down all the elements to pricing confidently and without emotions factoring in!

Some of the key topics we'll be covering are how to:

  • Calculate and factor in material costs.
  • Ensure you're being accurately compensated for your time.
  • Use market research to improve your pricing strategy.

You’ll walk away from this workshop with a confident price list for your originals, commissions, and prints!
