Teaching Art Online: Getting Your Passive Revenue Stream Started
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Featured Artist: Kelly Aiken

Each week we are going to give a little shoutout to a particular member who we notice really putting in the effort to implement our strategies, support one another, and take the brave steps to growing their businesses!

This week's featured artist is Kelly Aiken of Copeley Designs! We've been loving the consistency in her Instagram feed from her work's color palette to her careful balance between featuring her artwork and shots of herself in action. Showing your face is a great way to connect with your potential client and help them become personally invested in your story, which will translate into a greater willingness to invest in your work! Her website and feed also do an excellent job sharing the inspiration behind her work and namesake of her studio - Her daughter Copeley! This is another way to invite your followers into your world and seem relatable to others.

Recently Kelly shared a happy success story with us in the Facebook group about the results she was seeing for her upcoming collection in this thread! We're so happy that deliberating sharing her studio, upcoming releases and more has been paying off for her email list. By showing some behind the scenes videos of her working on her process and inviting others in, she's really starting to see some of the fruits of her labor!

To see more of Kelly's Instagram visit her here and take a look at her studio's website here. Keep up the good work, Kelly!
