Featured Member: Rose Geppert

This week we're happy to share Artist in Residence Rose Geppert and her studio! Looking through her presence on both Instagram and her website can be great inspiration for our community as we work on what we present to the world, too. 

For those of you wondering how you can incorporate more video of your studio online, look no further! Recently Rose has been sharing progress videos in her feed, ending with a short poll asking if they enjoyed those videos and giving her audience an easy way to engage with her art and give feedback. We love this smart way of inviting potential collectors into her process and giving them a quick way to engage! Everyone loves to feel like their opinion matters, and by doing so it can make them feel like part of her process, too. Another way Rose utilizes video is through her homepage on her website, with shots panning through her materials and workspace. This also builds up her connection with her followers and helps them know, like and trust her more! 

One final thing we love about Rose's Instagram and website is the way SHE is featured throughout her feed. You can find many shots of her and her art, which helps her clients connect with her face and develop more of a relationship with her studio. It is so important for an audience to feel like they know you and we believe Rose has done a great job of putting herself out there. 

To learn more about Rose and stay connected with her work, you can visit her on Instagram here and through her website here
