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How to Get Started Selling Art Online

So you’re ready to sell your artwork online, how do you actually get started? Whether you're an established artist looking to expand your reach or an emerging artist seeking your first online sale, this blog post will guide you through 3 essential steps to get started selling your artwork online. 

Step 1: Identify your ideal client

Before you’re ready to start selling your art, you first need to identify WHO you’ll be selling to. In the marketing world, this is called your Target Market. We tend to refer to it as your Ideal Collector or Ideal Client. These are the people you want to sell to, and you adapt your messaging and marketing strategies to reach them. 

Step 2: Begin Sharing on Social Media

Now that you know who you’re selling to, you need to find them online. By creating an online presence on places like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, you can begin to promote your artwork and reach your ideal collector. This is when it becomes important that you’ve identified who that is because it will influence the way you talk about your artwork and the strategies you use to sell it.

Step 3: Create Your E-Commerce Site

It’s no secret we are big fans of selling on your own website (we love Squarespace!) Not only are you able to control your customer’s experiences better, you also get to keep more profit in your pocket this way. When you build your website, make sure you keep your brand identity clear and cohesive. You want your Instagram to feel like an extension of your website and vice versa. 

Selling your artwork online is a powerful way to grow your audience and connect with your buyers. By following these steps and combining your love for art with effective online marketing and sales strategies, you can establish a thriving online presence, build a loyal customer base, and embark on a successful journey as an artist in the digital art marketplace! 

If you want even more resources and tips for selling your artwork online, check out our free workshop: How to Reach Your Ideal Collectors and Sell Art Consistently!
