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Overcoming Pricing Anxiety as an Artist

If there’s one thing almost every artist has encountered at some point in their career it’s pricing anxiety. The feelings of unease and self-consciousness around setting your prices. It’s the tiny voice in the back of your mind telling you “you’re pricing your work too high”, “your art isn’t worth that value”, “You won’t make any sales,” etc.

First things first, that voice isn’t actually based in fact, but rather your imposter syndrome getting in the way. It was put there by every potential collector or friend you’ve had telling you they know what’s “best” for your business. 🙄

But the truth is, the opinions of people who aren’t in this world of art and business-ownership shouldn’t hold much value to you or to your pricing decisions. Easier said than done, I know. But they don’t know what’s standard or expected, and most likely, they don’t see and respect art the same way we (as artists) do.

So the next time you hear from someone that “your art is too expensive,”just know- that’s not your problem to solve. Read that again, write it down, memorize it, whatever you need to do to make that stick.

A potential buyer telling you your art is overpriced is not your problem, it's a value problem with that particular person. They don't see art the way we do, and that's perfectly fine. It doesn't make them wrong; it just means they're not your ideal collector. And that's okay because your ideal collectors are out there waiting for you to find them.

So when it comes time to price your next collection, do so with confidence. Your artwork has value, and it’s worth the price you’re asking. It all comes down to identifying the people who are ready and willing to pay full price for your work. Your ideal collectors are out there, you just need to reach them!

If you want to learn how, check out our free Masterclass, The 4 Steps to Reaching Your Ideal Collectors Online!
