Teaching Art Online: Getting Your Passive Revenue Stream Started
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The Power of Accountability as an Artist

When you're building your art business, you find yourself wearing multiple hats. You're the creator, the photographer, the website builder, the order fulfillment center, and even the customer service representative. In essence, you're running an entire business all on your own. Just thinking about it can be exhausting, right?

We've all been there. It's a challenging journey, but it's also a rewarding one. And while there are ways to simplify and streamline these tasks, that’s not always an option when we’re first starting out.

But what is an option is accountability. Accountability is a great tool for personal and professional growth. (It might sound cheesy, but stick with us.)

When someone else is involved in your plans and goals, there's a significant increase in your commitment to those plans. We don't want to let the other person down, so we’re more likely to accomplish the things we said we would. Makes sense, right?

Now we can leverage this same social and psychological phenomenon to work in our favor as artists and business owners by harnessing the power of accountability!

We’re big fans of holding each other accountable within The Studio Source, and one of our favorite ways we offer is through our free Facebook Group for artists. As an artist, we deserve a place where we can find the encouragement and support necessary to thrive.

This community can be your source of accountability, too! It’s a way to help you meet your goals and push yourself to move outside your comfort zone. It’s a place to ask questions, share wins, and connect.

So, have you joined our free Facebook Group yet? If not, you're missing out on an incredible opportunity to enhance your accountability and grow as an artist and business owner. It's a place where you can get your accountability on!
