Strategy Sessions

Let’s work together to grow your business, one-on-one.

Eager to dive deeper on any of the course content, ask specific questions, and get private one-on-one advice tailored specifically to your art and business?

Lindsay has opened her schedule and is available for these 60 minute coaching calls. These calls are designed for Artists-in-Residence who have worked through Step 1: Instagram for Artists.

Once your session is purchased, you will receive a questionnaire to answer and link to access Lindsay's schedule to book within 24 hours.


Per One Hour Session for Current Artists-in-Residence.
(Standard price is $460 for non-members)


More About Strategy Sessions

What's Included in a Strategy Session

Private Strategy Sessions are our opportunity to give you clarity, share our wisdom, and create an actionable plan for the next steps to take your business to the next level.

  • One 60 minute private, focused, one-on-one conversation via a Zoom Video call.

  • A recording of the call so you can watch and refer back to again and again.

  • Pre-session research and preparation, so we can make the most of our time together.

  • A follow-up email report, with a detailed outline of the conversation, additional resources and plan of action.

What is the process?

  1. Complete the questionnaire you will receive upon purchasing, to give us insight into your priorities for the call, and to help us prepare.

  2. We will send you a link to our calendar to preview our availability.

  3. Choose a time that works for your schedule.

Are you an Artist-in-Residence?

Each month we meet as a community for our Critiques. Critiques are similar to Strategy Sessions, but handled one question at a time with several members on the docket. These sessions are public to our members and preserved in our Critiques archive.

Book a Strategy Session for a private, more in-depth mentoring session and enjoy a discounted rate special for Artists-in-Residence! 


50% Complete

Two Step

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